Toothbrushes laying on a marble countertop

Dentists Making a Difference

I strongly believe that purpose matters, and it’s the very purpose within us that helps drive the good in our workplace.

Whether you’ve opened up a dental office or a bakery…a real estate firm or a convenient store, businesses are capable of impacting the globe in positive ways. By adding purpose to your bottom line, you’re able to use your business to be part of great change. And this dental office is leading the way…

Sometimes a simple conversation can lead to great change.

The summer of 2020, I went to my dentist, Dr. Lauryne Vanderhoof at Cascade Family Dentistry, for my routine cleaning and took a few moments to share about life during the pandemic. I shared about some of the tough challenges that I recently experienced, while also sharing about unexpected blessings. One of those blessings was the ability to introduce initiatives and ideas on social responsibility through the workplace. As I shared some of the amazing global projects at hand, I remembered a dental program in Russia that needed support. I explained to my dentist about this important project on the other side of the world, and she was interested in hearing more about this relatable initiative.

I began to explain to her about how the dental clinics help to maintain healthy teeth for orphaned children in Russia. The impact of supporting these children helps build their confidence and addresses dental issues before they worsen and get more expensive.

It was there that I realized the importance of local businesses aligning themselves with global projects and initiatives that match their mission and model. The opportunity to help bridge local friends with our global friends and to take part in this wonderful impact is huge. My dentist found a way to connect to a project that was meaningful to her business and make a real impact across the globe.

Why it matters

I’ve always wondered what circumstances in life drive us to be who we are today. What choices we’ve made to help guide us to the career we’ve selected. And most importantly, what drives our passion. What inspires us. We all want to be involved in great things.

Being involved in great things is also great for your business.

Businesses can use their expertise and competencies to align with a project that makes a huge impact in the lives of vulnerable communities around the world.

Explore how your business can align its purpose to a project that makes an impact.