Partner With Us
The fight to end the cycle
of poverty begins with you

Greater Calling

Partner With Us

The fight to end the cycle of poverty begins with you

78% of Americans believe companies must do more than just make money;
they believe they must positively impact society as well.

Your partnership is as unique as your organization. There are several ways for your organization to get involved with Greater Calling.

Fund a Project

Utilizing an assets-based approach to community development, we identify the resources in a community and create development plans that meet those needs. By funding a project, your organization can walk alongside a community in the development process for an area you are passionate about.

The Kellogg Company invested in numerous agricultural projects, including gardens for 45 schools in Uganda, providing mid-day meals for students at the schools.

The 2017 crops yielded 426,533 heaps of sweet potatoes! There are an average of five potatoes in each heap, which means that over 2.1 million sweet potatoes were grown for the children’s consumption! 23,160 children were fed sweet potatoes and each child received an average of 46 meals from the harvest.

Engage in a Long-Term Program

Employees are engaged by providing resources or support for the program, as well as by supporting the program financially and traveling to see program progress and building relationships with participants.

Each year, realtors Jen and Dylan Debruin bring local business leaders together to fundraise for specific projects that support communities in Uganda.

“Our team has always attracted employees and agents looking to be a part of something more than just a place to work. The ability for our team to be involved in our CarePoints has helped our team connect and engage in our culture.  Whether simply by being a penpal to one of the sponsored kids, or by contributing through sponsorship, or even travelling to the CarePoints on our semi annual trips, our staff have been able to feel a sense of ownership and pride in our team through their collective impact on our kids at the CarePoints.”

Partner with a Community

Pair your organization with a community (called a CarePoint) in one of our partner countries. Employees financially support a child in the CarePoint and build relationships through letter writing and partner visits.

Employees at BombBomb, a software company in Colorado Springs, are able and encouraged to become HopeChest Friends through employee incentivization programs by supporting the CarePoint in Kenya.

“About 80 percent of people say they decide to leave or stay with a business based on if they feel like they’re doing meaningful work. Tying that meaning back to everybody’s job — the reason why we show up every day is not just to make money. You have to make money to pay everyone and all of that, but if you have a deeper meaning and purpose, you get better retention, you get better alignment to your values and goals.” Conor McClusky

“How does it feel to be working for a company that cares about more than the bottom line? It’s awesome! It’s one of the reasons why I stay here.”

Janine, BombBomb employee and Greater Calling partner

The Impact of Partnership

How partnership helps your business

How partnership helps employees

Communities are transformed when individuals pursue their Greater Calling.

Next Steps:

Get Your Business Involved in a Global Partnership

Provide your information below and a member of our team will reach out directly. We’re happy to answer any questions you may have and discuss next steps.

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